What to do about tyrants like Trump?

Over the past week, I’ve done a pretty good job of ignoring the trash that comes from U.S. President Donald Trump and his supporters. Even the comment telling four mostly U.S.-born congresswomen of color to “go back” to the “totally broken and crime infested places from which they came.” I wish more people would do […]

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Inside Ukraine’s museum of electoral trash

What do a children’s playset, bottle openers, blood pressure monitors and posters for concerts by popular Ukrainian singers have in common? These are all in a new exhibit devoted to elections at Kyiv’s National Museum of Ukrainian History. And what else do Ukraine’s politicians do to buy voters’ goodwill? Chesno, a grassroots civic movement that […]

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Fascism in Brazil thrives on creating enemies

“We feel profound repulsion towards those who are not Brazilian” said Jair Bolsonaro, referring to foreign NGOs that work in Brazil to defend the Amazon and indigenous groups, threatened by the government’s predatory and unsustainable environmental policy. This powerful phrase becomes even more worrying when it comes from the president, and not one of his […]

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How to buy a passport.

Do you have a passport? If so, you probably use it like seemingly everyone else does in order to travel freely between nations for work or vacation.  Click Here: afl store However, a growing number of people purchase passports from nations where they are not citizens. Why would anyone need a passport from a nation […]

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Political religions and fascism

‘I'm beginning to comprehend, I think, some of the reasons for Hitler’s astounding success. Borrowing a chapter from the Roman church, he is restoring pageantry and colour and mysticism to the drab lives of twentieth-century Germans.’ So wrote William Shirer in his famous Berlin Diary, commenting on the Nuremberg Rally of 1934. He continued: ‘This […]

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Eight essential steps to transform our economy

We’re running out of time. There’s spreading awareness of the institutional failure that is driving humans toward self-extinction, and related calls for a deep transformation of our economy. This is happening in every quarter, from college campuses to the Vatican to the U.S. presidential debates. Everywhere we hear calls for an economy that serves the […]

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